equine photograph

Hiring A PRO to Make Equine Ads

Hiring A PRO to Make Equine Ads

Hiring a professional photographer and designer is absolutely necessary when marketing within the equine community. A professional guarantees professional look though it can be costly especially for those just starting out.

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Wedding Photography Packages

Wedding Photography Packages

I find that every year I take on fewer and fewer weddings. Not because I don’t enjoy them but because I find I prefer the weddings of clients I am friends with over new clients I don’t know. A strange proclivity but at the same time I did spend years traveling for rodeo so my time for weddings was a lot shorter.

I by no means specialize in weddings but I absolutely love the creativity that comes with shooting them. The amazing candid moments. So I do love taking on a few weddings a year. When there isn’t a pandemic and people can actually have weddings again that is.

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Location+Beauty=Photographer Love

Location+Beauty=Photographer Love

Several years ago I ha the opportunity to shoot at a beautiful location. That is one of the cool things about being a photographer, we get to see and experience locations beauty that are new to us. For me because I travel all over the country and sometimes world for shoots this happens fairly regularly.

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My Ultimate Pet Peeve

My Ultimate Pet Peeve

I am human and as such there are numerous things that I find annoying—there just is. As a business owner however I have probably a few pet peeves, not all are huge more just mild annoyances but there is one that just straight up irritates me.

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Show Season Begins Again

Show Season Begins Again

As the weather warms, and the days get longer we enter into equine show season. For me show season started May 15th with a benefit show to raise funds to help a barrel racer diagnosed with cancer.

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Contest Finalist

Contest Finalist

… Sometimes my adherence to my style choice pays off and I become a finalist which is a big accomplishment given the sheer volume of photographers in the world and who enter these contests…

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