wedding photography

Being a " Horse Show" Photographer

Being a " Horse Show" Photographer

I have been a photographer for 14 years and my photographer title has changed more times than I care to count. Photography is an evolution of skill and for many of us, it is our creative outlet. What we win prizes for shooting may not be what we shoot day to day to make a living, and sometimes after shooting one thing for years we have to make a change to push ourselves and our skills to a new level.

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Throwback to my 2018 Fall Wedding

Throwback to my 2018 Fall Wedding

It is a rare thing for me photography weddings, they are time consuming, stressful, and not my area of comfort. I do events many, many times a year but they usually involve equines in some manner not capturing a once in a lifetime lovey dovey event.

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A New Favorite Editing Songs 2024

A New Favorite Editing Songs 2024

So usually when I am editing photographs I am either listening to music or watching something on Netflix — of usually I put Grey’s Anatomy on because I have seen it and can listen without watching. But lately with my deep headfirst fall into TikTok I have discovered some singers and songs that just freaking get stuck in my head.

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Grow as a Photographer

Grow as a Photographer

When we start in photography we are excited, we are making art, meeting new people, traveling and creating. And then at some point we start doing the same thing over and over until it starts to feel stale and as if we are stuck in a rut. So what can we do to get out of a rut and grow as a photographer?

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Play While Working

Play While Working

So here is the thing you can be the best photographer in the world but if your subjects aren’t having fun then your images are not going to be the best they could be. Play and have fun while working and your images will go to the next level.

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Making a Good Image

Making a Good Image

I am going to give you the secret to good photography and it is going to shock you because the secret isn’t in professional gear. In fact gear plays such a small role that if you can get over all the tech companies pushing the latest models you would be amazed at what you can create with the most basic cameras.

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