
Power of a Portrait

Power of a Portrait

In January of 2023, I made my way North to photograph a friends equines. She wants portraits that would be lasting of them. Portraits that rivaled what you can find on Pinterest.

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The Grey Mare Kate

The Grey Mare Kate

In the middle of May, my sister and her friends horses both gave birth. While I was visiting the barn to photograph the new babies I caught a couple moments that just needed documented.

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Welcoming New Babies

Welcoming New Babies

Back in May my sisters Mare and her friends had their Foals. I as the ever dedicated photographer made a trip out to the barn to photograph the babies.

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Never Stop Seeing and Shooting

Never Stop Seeing and Shooting

Most photographers are always on. I am no different, even when I am not holding a camera and actively shooting, I am aware of the light, of compositions, of what would be photo worthy.

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New Headshots

New Headshots

Back in February I had to update my headshots. Not because mine were outdated but more because I was bored with then and my preference leans toward darker, dark back grounds single lighting source and what I needed was bright and light.

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IPA Awards 2024 Entry

IPA Awards 2024 Entry

Last year I just barely managed an entry to the IPA Awards at the very last minute. Mostly because I forgot and because sometimes I get in the mood and want to entry something new and last year I just happened to take some cool dahlia images before the end of the competition. Which lead me to the emails for early entries for this years competition, I still had two great choices from last years, one of which was already an honorary mention.

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