graphic designer

Hiring A PRO to Make Equine Ads

Hiring A PRO to Make Equine Ads

Hiring a professional photographer and designer is absolutely necessary when marketing within the equine community. A professional guarantees professional look though it can be costly especially for those just starting out.

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Things to Know When Hiring a Graphic Designer

Things to Know When Hiring a Graphic Designer

6. Never say 'Oh I thought you just hit buttons': Graphic design like photography is more than hitting a button. It is hours of work, education, trying and failing before succeeding. It is making something out of nothing that visually compelling, draws and sells items or services

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For Sale: Pre-Made Book Covers

For Sale: Pre-Made Book Covers

As an avid reader, author, and creator I find looking at book covers to be a fun hobby. I also really enjoy trying my hand at designing them and having done all my own covers and a few for friends I thought I would start listing pre-made covers available to future authors at affordable rates.

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Timelapse Editing ThrowBack

Timelapse Editing ThrowBack

Back in January a good friend asked for winter equine photos however we also did natural black backdrop photography.

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Lessons: Business Owner Edition

Lessons: Business Owner Edition

I never set out to own, operate, and run a photography business. I never really set out to be a photographer. Yet that is what has happened in life. I have loved the journey even though there have been many, not very fun moments. Even though I had no idea how to start a business let alone make it successful in the beginning.

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Hidden Rules for Photography

Hidden Rules for Photography

We talk a lot about photography rules, usually those pertaining to when you can shoot, where, and how — ie. composition rules, editing rules, and formatting rules. Yet we rarely if ever discuss the hidden rules of photography that pretty much all photographers follow.

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