Location+Beauty=Photographer Love

Several years ago I ha the opportunity to shoot at a beautiful location. That is one of the cool things about being a photographer, we get to see and experience locations beauty that are new to us. For me because I travel all over the country and sometimes world for shoots this happens fairly regularly.

But this location that stood out the day I arrived for an engagement shoot is one I still hope to make it back to for another session someday.

The location you ask?

Prairie Oaks Metro Park

In West Jefferson, OH

The above engagement photographs where taken in that park. It has beautifully high prairie grasses, bridges, walking/riding trails, as well as lakes, and huge rocks that were great for some fun shots. Not the mention the foliage and trees were gorgeous.

The downside of the session is that true to Ohio weather the day before the shoot it was mid-70s and warm and the day of the shoot it dropped to the 20s and was spitting snow. My couple ended up going to Carhart Jackets for warmth as the beautiful dress the bride had selected was not going to keep her even slightly warm.

The couple were troopers with the weather and while they decided against their first outfit choices the images created are still among favorites of mine from an engagement session.

One day, hopefully soon I get to make a return to Prairie Oak Metro Park and have another fun shoot. Until then I will look at these photos with a smile.