
Late Discoveries

Late Discoveries

As a creator and an artist on of the things I love to do is enter contests. Not with the sole goal of winning but rather as a way to evaluate my work and growth through a panel of judges. Many competitions will provide feedback on your work for an added fee, and sometimes you may get a surprise and place or do better than you anticipated.

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Contest Finalist

Contest Finalist

… Sometimes my adherence to my style choice pays off and I become a finalist which is a big accomplishment given the sheer volume of photographers in the world and who enter these contests…

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Horse Show Fun

Horse Show Fun

I have waited what feels like years but in all reality has been months for a equine event of any kind to actually happen vs getting canceled thanks to Covid. Weekend of June 20th finally saw that first event….

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Recipient Selected for "Original Cowboy Prayer" Print

Recipient Selected for "Original Cowboy Prayer" Print

A few days ago I posted about how one of my first rodeo images became a viral inspirational meme image. It was cool and the message was nice so to help further the reach I decided to give away an original signed print of the image…

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