bride and groom

Engagement 2023

Engagement 2023

The criteria was she doesn’t really love overly posed shots— which I 100% get— so my aim was a lot of motion oriented cues to create images. Her soon to be husband was great at taking direction and saying or doing things that provoke picture worthy responses.

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Wedding Photography Packages

Wedding Photography Packages

I find that every year I take on fewer and fewer weddings. Not because I don’t enjoy them but because I find I prefer the weddings of clients I am friends with over new clients I don’t know. A strange proclivity but at the same time I did spend years traveling for rodeo so my time for weddings was a lot shorter.

I by no means specialize in weddings but I absolutely love the creativity that comes with shooting them. The amazing candid moments. So I do love taking on a few weddings a year. When there isn’t a pandemic and people can actually have weddings again that is.

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