sport photography

Throwback Wednesday

Throwback Wednesday

This throwback to my rodeo days is in honor of my favorite event in rodeo to capture with a camera…. Bronc Riding.

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Photographing at a New Arena

Photographing at a New Arena

Arguably one of the hardest things as an equine photographer who photographs at a lot of shows is growing bored by limited angles and options at arenas. Sometimes the best thing to light a spark is traveling to a new arena. For me I was lucky to have one open up little over an hour away from me that I was able to attend a show at last month.

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Belmont Saddle Club Show

Belmont Saddle Club Show

One of my favorite local arenas had their final contest show of the seasons. A very short season for their arena admittedly. Yet it still proved a fun, and short show with all challenges of low light photography, dusty arenas, and technical problems.

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The Red, White & Barrel Race

The Red, White & Barrel Race

While the 4th of July has come and gone so to has the two day barrel race at Grizzle Ridge. This event marks the midway point of the summer horse show season which has come on so quickly.

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Being a "Horse Show" Photographer

Being a "Horse Show" Photographer

I have been a photographer for 13 years and my photographer title has changed more times than I care to count. Photography is an evolution of skill and for many of us, it is our creative outlet. What we win prizes for shooting may not be what we shoot day to day to make a living, and sometimes after shooting one thing for years we have to make a change to push ourselves and our skills to a new level.

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I am a "Show" Photographer

I am a "Show" Photographer

I have been a photographer for 13 years and my photographer title has changed more times than I care to count. Photography is an evolution of skill and for many of us, it is our creative outlet. What we win prizes for shooting may not be what we shoot day to day to make a living, and sometimes after shooting one thing for years we have to make a change to push ourselves and our skills to a new level.

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