business owner

Photographer Reality Acknowledged

Photographer Reality Acknowledged

This video really speaks to the industry and that fear of when that slump comes because it will come. Be it a pandemic, a series of cancellations, or whatever else it will come, because it comes for us all.

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Things to Know When Hiring a Graphic Designer

Things to Know When Hiring a Graphic Designer

6. Never say 'Oh I thought you just hit buttons': Graphic design like photography is more than hitting a button. It is hours of work, education, trying and failing before succeeding. It is making something out of nothing that visually compelling, draws and sells items or services

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Business Update

Business Update

If you have been following along then you are well aware of the ups and downs of my business the last few years. The fact is covid was hard, but these economic down turn and crippling inflation is murder.

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Down Fall of Seeking Outside Positions

Down Fall of Seeking Outside Positions

I have been no stranger to having multiple jobs in addition to running my own freelance business. In fact most photographers I know work other jobs because it either grounds us or offsets our earnings in our down periods and there is nothing wrong with that.

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Hidden Rules for Photography

Hidden Rules for Photography

We talk a lot about photography rules, usually those pertaining to when you can shoot, where, and how — ie. composition rules, editing rules, and formatting rules. Yet we rarely if ever discuss the hidden rules of photography that pretty much all photographers follow.

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