
Throwback to my 2018 Fall Wedding

Throwback to my 2018 Fall Wedding

It is a rare thing for me photography weddings, they are time consuming, stressful, and not my area of comfort. I do events many, many times a year but they usually involve equines in some manner not capturing a once in a lifetime lovey dovey event.

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Power of a Portrait

Power of a Portrait

In January of 2023, I made my way North to photograph a friends equines. She wants portraits that would be lasting of them. Portraits that rivaled what you can find on Pinterest.

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New Babies and Loved Ones Lost

New Babies and Loved Ones Lost

It is a rare day that I photograph newborns and infants, not because I do not like the images that can be created but because it was never an area of photography I gravitated too. Although, like many photographers I have done it in the past for the experience… Thank goodness for nieces!

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Never Stop Seeing and Shooting

Never Stop Seeing and Shooting

Most photographers are always on. I am no different, even when I am not holding a camera and actively shooting, I am aware of the light, of compositions, of what would be photo worthy.

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New Headshots

New Headshots

Back in February I had to update my headshots. Not because mine were outdated but more because I was bored with then and my preference leans toward darker, dark back grounds single lighting source and what I needed was bright and light.

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Throwback Friday-- Back to 2017

Throwback Friday-- Back to 2017

Sometimes I feel nostalgic for past photoshoots. Six or seven years ago when I was visiting a friend in Tennessee I did a photoshoot for his coworkers in Knoxville. Just a fun beginning modeling portfolio builder session which turn into just a fun shoot.

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