equine photography'

Top 10 Favorite Photos Taken in 2021

Top 10 Favorite Photos Taken in 2021

The photography I did get to do was fun, filled with horse shows and portraiture. I am looking forward to what 2022 brings. Check out my top 10 shots of 2021.

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Location+Beauty=Photographer Love

Location+Beauty=Photographer Love

Several years ago I ha the opportunity to shoot at a beautiful location. That is one of the cool things about being a photographer, we get to see and experience locations beauty that are new to us. For me because I travel all over the country and sometimes world for shoots this happens fairly regularly.

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So in a lot of cases I find I am a late adopter of many social media platforms. Gosh I have really only had instagram for a few years now.

I am a late adopter because I am concerned about posting my work and what it would mean in regards to my copyright—yes that’s why it took so long to pull the trigger on instagram because I didn’t want to just give up my rights to my work to whoever was online.

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