equine photographger

So Why Does Photography Cost SO Much??

So Why Does Photography Cost SO Much??

We all know that photography isn't cheap. Well good photography isn't cheap that is but there is many a new photographer out there willing to travel, shoot, and produce images digitally with a release for just $25 or even dare I utter it 'exposure'. 

Lets break down the cost.

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For Photographers Everything We SEE is a Potential Photograph

For Photographers Everything We SEE is a Potential Photograph

Photographers are always on, even when a camera is not affixed in our hand we are seeing, we see the light simmer on clear water, fall through the clouds, and dust the forest path illuminating vegetation for animal life. Light is our greatest friend and in some cases especially when creating a photograph our greatest enemy.

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Let Me Read You My Story

Let Me Read You My Story

As many of you know I am hard at work on my first non-fiction memoir. Let me entice you with the blurb from the back.

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Why Does Photography Cost SOOO Much???

Why Does Photography Cost SOOO Much???

We all know that photography isn't cheap. Well good photography isn't cheap that is but there is many a new photographer out there willing to travel, shoot, and produce images on a disc with a release for just $25 or even dare I utter it 'exposure'. But what about the tried and true? The experienced and the proven?

Lets break down the cost.

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Winter 2022 Photos

Winter 2022 Photos

As an Ohio residence we have been getting snow, snow, snow and ice as well. In fact so much ice the trees limbs chimed and then oh so many crashed to the ground cutting power out to a lot of people. I was fortunate enough to have a half charged camera battery and enough boredom in me to trek out and see what kind of Winter photos I could get.

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Hopes for the New Year

Hopes for the New Year

I am hoping this year to start getting more photo shoots and working toward goals I had made in 2019 that 2020 robbed me of. I see a bright future and I am ready to work to get there.

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