So last week I posted about my Goodreads account and how I am trying to do better with it and actually did in 2022. Well if that didn’t give it away I am a fairly big book nerd. I love reading and have since I was a child, in fact, it is the one consistent thing about me that even my extended family is aware of and still makes off-handed comments if they see me with a book in hand — “You always had a book you was reading when you was a kid, I see nothing has changed.”
One of the things I love too do is design ads whether for Exposure One Studios or other clients. My ads are more for print or social media, rather than long consecutive ad runs. I just love that burst of creativity creating something from nothing.
I am most often asked how I got into rodeo rather than photography-- For the last 10 years, one of my main photographic events has been rodeo. The answer always surprises people, I didn't choose photography; in fact, I became a photographer by accident.
I am most often asked how I got into photography-- The answer always surprises people, I didn't choose photography; in fact I became a photographer by accident.
I find that every year I take on fewer and fewer weddings. Not because I don’t enjoy them but because I find I prefer the weddings of clients I am friends with over new clients I don’t know. A strange proclivity but at the same time I did spend years traveling for rodeo so my time for weddings was a lot shorter.
I by no means specialize in weddings but I absolutely love the creativity that comes with shooting them. The amazing candid moments. So I do love taking on a few weddings a year. When there isn’t a pandemic and people can actually have weddings again that is.