Ohio professional photographer

Being a "Horse Show" Photographer

Being a "Horse Show" Photographer

I have been a photographer for 13 years and my photographer title has changed more times than I care to count. Photography is an evolution of skill and for many of us, it is our creative outlet. What we win prizes for shooting may not be what we shoot day to day to make a living, and sometimes after shooting one thing for years we have to make a change to push ourselves and our skills to a new level.

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Booking Spring/Summer/ & Fall Sessions Now

Booking Spring/Summer/ & Fall Sessions Now

Those wanting portraits, equine portrait sessions, or have events you would like photographed now is the time to get on the books!

I am currently booking Spring, Summer, and Fall sessions now!

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Order Digitals and Prints Soon!

Order Digitals and Prints Soon!

As we are now into 2024, it is time to crack down and get things prepared for the new photography year. With that being said clients with galleries or competitors whose events I have been too pay attention…

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Number 1 Image of 2023

Number 1 Image of 2023

And my number one image is the low light, natural black backdrop equine portrait taken right at the beginning of 2023.

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