low light photographer

Belmont Saddle Club Show

Belmont Saddle Club Show

One of my favorite local arenas had their final contest show of the seasons. A very short season for their arena admittedly. Yet it still proved a fun, and short show with all challenges of low light photography, dusty arenas, and technical problems.

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Power of a Portrait

Power of a Portrait

In January of 2023, I made my way North to photograph a friends equines. She wants portraits that would be lasting of them. Portraits that rivaled what you can find on Pinterest.

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Cost of a Concert Photographer

Cost of a Concert Photographer

Concert photography is a fun gig, yet super niche. Musicians and performers love being photographed and getting those wowing images. Or having a photographer close to them to shoot album covers and social media marketing. But many do not understand the pricing for such photography services.

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Struggling to Stay Creative

Struggling to Stay Creative

As a 25 year artist, 13 year professional photographer I can attest that there are times when the struggle to stay creative is hard and the lure of financial stability beckons hard. I have struggled to generate profits, and I have dealt with he guilt of potentially walking away from my passion for a steady income and normal job. There is no right answer but no matter the choice you make to stay creative you will always be an artist.

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Throwback Photos -- St. Stanislaus

Throwback Photos -- St. Stanislaus

Back in 2014 a friend who was a parishioner at St. Stanislaus asked me to come photograph the church as it was closing and she wanted to capture the church she had gone to since she was a child.

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