Professional Photographer

Introducing All Inclusive Pricing

Introducing All Inclusive Pricing

With the New Year comes new pricing and not because of the cost of living and survival. I have been debating changing from the standard packages to All Inclusive Pricing for several months to eliminate the guess work for my clients.

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Making Time for Photography

Making Time for Photography

I am a professional photographer, the question I am often asked is if I do photography full time, and I wish I could say yes. However, in an economy where professional photos are a luxury many, many professional photographers have a second job for a steady income. So the question becomes how do we make time for photography when we have other jobs, family, and social lives to maintain too?

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Bonfire Barrel & Pole Show

Bonfire Barrel & Pole Show

It has been a great horse show year and in large part that is due to the re-opening of Grizzle Ridge Arena in Jerusalem, Ohio. Back in May when they put together their first show and was looking for a photographer at the last minute I wasn’t sure what was going to happen with this arena.

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Iced Out Casanova's -- Making of A Stud Ad

Iced Out Casanova's -- Making of A  Stud Ad

It isn’t often I get to use my design skills but when I do I have a good time creating something visually compelling. Even when it is tricky because emerging my artistic eye, marketing mind, and images into something that also satisfies clients can be very tricky.

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Photographing Nova

Photographing Nova

One of the fun sessions I had this year was meeting and photographing a very cute, two year old stallion named Iced Out Casamova whom I was tasked with capturing to create his very first stud ad.

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Cattle Sorting Photography

Cattle Sorting Photography

I thrive on challenge and taking the best images I can even when it is something new. I will stand for hours even when my body aches and cries for me to get off hard ground, slip the camera bag off, and the camera and take a break. I put my all into covering events even when they are new because I want to surprise everyone with my images and surprise myself.

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