low light photography

Belmont Saddle Club Show

Belmont Saddle Club Show

One of my favorite local arenas had their final contest show of the seasons. A very short season for their arena admittedly. Yet it still proved a fun, and short show with all challenges of low light photography, dusty arenas, and technical problems.

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Power of a Portrait

Power of a Portrait

In January of 2023, I made my way North to photograph a friends equines. She wants portraits that would be lasting of them. Portraits that rivaled what you can find on Pinterest.

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Northern Lights in Southern Ohio

Northern Lights in Southern Ohio

May 10th and 11th those of us in the lower hemisphere got the opportunity to view the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. While for most of us this incredible opportunity wasn’t visible to the naked eye it was easily viewable through a camera lens.

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Old Images Revisited

Old Images Revisited

A couple months ago Facebook was kind enough to to bring an old venue and old images I had taken back into event goers minds and feeds via memories. Sometimes this a great thing at least as long I the photographer still has the images and their archives haven’t been corrupted… which sometimes happens especially when they are pretty old files.

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Throwback Photos -- St. Stanislaus

Throwback Photos -- St. Stanislaus

Back in 2014 a friend who was a parishioner at St. Stanislaus asked me to come photograph the church as it was closing and she wanted to capture the church she had gone to since she was a child.

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