marketing photography

Using the Creative Eye

Using the Creative Eye

Arenas can be very challenging to capture from the outside with need to have a wide, wide angle and the inside from lighting perspective. This was a challenge I faced and had to bring a creative eye as well as ultra wide angle lens to help me create images the new arena owners not only loved but could use for marketing purposes.

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Belmont Saddle Club Show

Belmont Saddle Club Show

One of my favorite local arenas had their final contest show of the seasons. A very short season for their arena admittedly. Yet it still proved a fun, and short show with all challenges of low light photography, dusty arenas, and technical problems.

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The Red, White & Barrel Race

The Red, White & Barrel Race

While the 4th of July has come and gone so to has the two day barrel race at Grizzle Ridge. This event marks the midway point of the summer horse show season which has come on so quickly.

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New Headshots

New Headshots

Back in February I had to update my headshots. Not because mine were outdated but more because I was bored with then and my preference leans toward darker, dark back grounds single lighting source and what I needed was bright and light.

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My First University Photographs

My First University Photographs

I was a student of Ohio University Eastern and was employed as a student with the media director on campus who knew of my interest in photography and approached me with the marketing director asking if I would take some photos around campus for marketing…

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Atypical Theater and Performance Photographer

Atypical Theater and Performance Photographer

I was recently reading an article on theater photography and what makes one a great theater photographer. Turns out that a lot of photographers who practice theater shooting tend to shoot dress rehearsals and post the scene to capture it and that is how the beautiful well light shots that gloss billboards and such come to be.

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