saint Clairsville ohio photographer

The Red, White & Barrel Race

The Red, White & Barrel Race

While the 4th of July has come and gone so to has the two day barrel race at Grizzle Ridge. This event marks the midway point of the summer horse show season which has come on so quickly.

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New Babies and Loved Ones Lost

New Babies and Loved Ones Lost

It is a rare day that I photograph newborns and infants, not because I do not like the images that can be created but because it was never an area of photography I gravitated too. Although, like many photographers I have done it in the past for the experience… Thank goodness for nieces!

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Booking Fall Sessions Now

Booking Fall Sessions Now

Fall is quickly coming and the books are quickly filling up. For those seeking portraits be it solo or with an equine partner now is the time to book for the 2024 year.

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Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!!

Wishing all my clients past and future a Merry Christmas!!!

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