
Northern Lights in Southern Ohio

Northern Lights in Southern Ohio

May 10th and 11th those of us in the lower hemisphere got the opportunity to view the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. While for most of us this incredible opportunity wasn’t visible to the naked eye it was easily viewable through a camera lens.

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Pretty Cemetery Walks

Pretty Cemetery Walks

Recently toward the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring my Aunt and I took the dogs for a walk in our local cemetery. As a photographer I enjoy taking photos with all my devices and this day had great cloud coverage and just enough breaks for sunlight to sneak through.

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Inspired at 2 AM

Inspired at 2 AM

After watching the YouTube video on Sam Abell’s talk about The Life of a Photograph, I was inspired. I was also up until about 2 am in the morning watching it which made my brain start buzzing because I was so drawn to his talk. Are my images as a photographer on the same level as his? I am not sure but I do know the elements he talks about looking for to make are images I have done, perhaps not all the time but the images I have taken popped into my mind.

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Making A Poster

Making A Poster

As my years in photography progressed I saw a need for a graphic designer who worked with photographs has the primary method for creation. However, rather than hire out for this I decided to learn to be that person and grow my business in another direction. Today I am every bit as much a graphic designer as a photographer…

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Final Poster and Graphic Design Rules

Final Poster and Graphic Design Rules

Graphic designers are passionate people who work within the scope of their talents to create beautiful designs for clients be they artwork, marketing, logos, and so much more. But they are limited and are not all knowing beings so the first and most important rule…

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Winter iPhone Photos

Winter iPhone Photos

…time to focus on more iPhone photos of the same location/s. If you can’t tell most of these were taken roughly in the same location/s I have taken and posted various other version expect these are in winter featuring snow or cool winter skies.

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