iPhone photography

Summer Roses

Summer Roses

Sometimes as a photographer I just like to go out and take fun photos be it with my camera or my iPhone. This helps as a relaxation thing and as a way to stay creative.

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Northern Lights in Southern Ohio

Northern Lights in Southern Ohio

May 10th and 11th those of us in the lower hemisphere got the opportunity to view the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. While for most of us this incredible opportunity wasn’t visible to the naked eye it was easily viewable through a camera lens.

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New Stop Shooting-- Column

New Stop Shooting-- Column

A fun fact, several years ago I was a photojournalist for my hometown paper and got a taste for journalism. Fast forward a few years and a former colleague of mine got a job with her hometown paper and started bring in me in to help photographically with events and now as a column writer.

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Take Photos on Your iPhone like a Pro

Take Photos on Your iPhone like a Pro

As a photographer we are expected and usually visualized as carting around a large body, bag with lens, among the tripods and flashes that help make the magic. However there is a subset that uses smaller technology or those like me who when out and about on a regular non-working day use smaller devices for fun and ease…

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