
Using the Creative Eye

Using the Creative Eye

Arenas can be very challenging to capture from the outside with need to have a wide, wide angle and the inside from lighting perspective. This was a challenge I faced and had to bring a creative eye as well as ultra wide angle lens to help me create images the new arena owners not only loved but could use for marketing purposes.

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Rusty Because of Covid

Rusty Because of Covid

This year has undoubtedly been a slow year for me photography wise, in fact I have never had so much time to work on a computer or make the web updates I should but ultimately don’t. All my major events were canceled and the majority of my photo shoots, so I usually get excited for what I do have, tagging along to a horse show with my sister or shooting some portraits for a friend….

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Rodeo 2020 Season Canceled

Rodeo 2020 Season Canceled

2020 has been a hard year for everyone, no one doubts that, but it is hard and frustrating to see years of work get ended so quickly. Photographers lost contracts and sessions, lost their income, and many their businesses…. for me it was losing my 2020 rodeo season

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Recipient Selected for "Original Cowboy Prayer" Print

Recipient Selected for "Original Cowboy Prayer" Print

A few days ago I posted about how one of my first rodeo images became a viral inspirational meme image. It was cool and the message was nice so to help further the reach I decided to give away an original signed print of the image…

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First Viral Image

First Viral Image

…I decided to take a break and scroll my facebook feed mindlessly. During that scrolling I caught sight of an image that was surprisingly familiar, and old… I learned one of my images went viral…

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