
Intimate Package Offerings

Intimate Package Offerings

So with months of canceled events in 2020 and nothing but time to think where do I go from here? I finally realized I can make intimate packages geared toward social distancing and smaller crowds. I can start creating where I want my business to grow toward…

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Playing with a Prism

Playing with a Prism

For Christmas my sister got me a triangular prism for my camera, much like the sphere you can find advertised fairly frequently on Facebook, but not the sphere.

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New Package Offerings

New Package Offerings

So with months of canceled events and nothing but time to think where do I go from here? I finally realized I can make new packages geared toward social distancing and smaller crowds. I can start creating where I want my business to grow toward…

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Exposure One Studios on Covid-19

Exposure One Studios on Covid-19

How Covid-19 effecting Exposure One Studios owner and business. Post started in March and progressed through April with updates and changes.

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First Viral Image

First Viral Image

…I decided to take a break and scroll my facebook feed mindlessly. During that scrolling I caught sight of an image that was surprisingly familiar, and old… I learned one of my images went viral…

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