Rodeo 2020 Season Canceled

2020 has been a hard year for everyone, no one doubts that, but it is hard and frustrating to see years of work get ended so quickly. Photographers lost contracts and sessions, lost their income, and many their businesses. Not just photographers but it is hard to go from stable creative luxury business to wondering how to survive in a world where you are wanted but not necessary.

What I mean by that is photography is a luxury good we all want great photos but we do not need them and can sadly survive without them. So we have seen cancellations for that reason and then we have seen cancellations because of other events being canceled due to restrictions. For me thats been a lot of events and more local rodeos has I had already semi-retired from rodeo in 2019, 2020 appears to be pushing for full on retirement.

So I refocused my efforts, cut business cost where I could, and I have struggled to keep my business in an area where I can survive this without closing it completely. Restructure— thats a definite possibility in the future when we see the outcome of Covid-19 true continued effect on the world at large. I am a lucky one, I had a plan and while it deviates from my previous goals it does mean Exposure One Studios will see into the future.

But it is sad for the first time in a decade I will capture no western traditions, no bucking action, no fading culture that you witness in rodeo. It was hard to accept I’d had a restricted season and then at the end of July Governor mandates effectively killed the last couple dates I had on the books.

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Just because my season was canceled doesn’t mean there was nothing to learn from rodeo this year. More and more of us have found ways to support each other, we have found new projects, and I even had time to reflect on my growth from when I started out to last year.

In my social media memories a post popped up showing my rodeo photography progression and I wanted to update it. A photo from my first rodeo ever to images from last year.

One of the awesome things about photography is seeing tangible growth in skill. My first decade in photography industry has been a whirl wind from international travel to seeing my work appear for brands and on billboards. Here’s to the next decade may I never have a 2020 year again

As Always Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and Stay 6 Feet Apart!