sports photography

New Years Eve Barrel Race

New Years Eve Barrel Race

This year to ring in the New Year, I charged the camera, loaded the car, and trekked out to Grizzle Ridge for an early Barrel Jackpot which ended early enough for me to get home and start the editing process.

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Throwback to a Rodeo Wreck

Throwback to a Rodeo Wreck

In the Rodeo world when an accident occurs we call it a wreck. A wreck can involve a rodeo competitor or a rodeo performer or a performing animal. Wrecks can be tragic, they can be amusing, and they are common.

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Preserving Memories

Preserving Memories

Photography is very much a capture of a moment to preserve it forever. Many times when we hire a photographer or see them at events we think of the images as a way to detail our day or what happened to show others. Yet many times in my experience images taken with suck innocent meanings usually also end up being the ones to remember someone when they are no longer with us.

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Commercial Photography

Commercial Photography

Commercial photography is something I have only started getting into in recent years. Like all photographers as I have learned and developed my skills my interest and abilities in photography have changed. Commercial photography was never something I aspired too and I am still working not he product side of it.

Still life is not a passion. Working with performers and people however is and that is where my skills in commercial photography lie.

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Testing New Equipment

Testing New Equipment

As photographers equipment is important. Our gear determines what we are able to shoot and can aid us in doing it well. Gear isn’t the end all be all. You can take amazing images with very limited gear, after all gear is merely a tool.

However the better tools you have the easier it is to do your job.

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Rodeo 2020 Season Canceled

Rodeo 2020 Season Canceled

2020 has been a hard year for everyone, no one doubts that, but it is hard and frustrating to see years of work get ended so quickly. Photographers lost contracts and sessions, lost their income, and many their businesses…. for me it was losing my 2020 rodeo season

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