
Tiktok with Me

Tiktok with Me

I am striving to do better this year and would love for you all to keep me honest and see new work as I post it or even older work I am going to bring out of the archives for social sharing.

So please think about following me.

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So in a lot of cases I find I am a late adopter of many social media platforms. Gosh I have really only had instagram for a few years now.

I am a late adopter because I am concerned about posting my work and what it would mean in regards to my copyright—yes that’s why it took so long to pull the trigger on instagram because I didn’t want to just give up my rights to my work to whoever was online.

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Rusty Because of Covid

Rusty Because of Covid

This year has undoubtedly been a slow year for me photography wise, in fact I have never had so much time to work on a computer or make the web updates I should but ultimately don’t. All my major events were canceled and the majority of my photo shoots, so I usually get excited for what I do have, tagging along to a horse show with my sister or shooting some portraits for a friend….

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Harry Potter Puppies

Harry Potter Puppies

For those that know me I have an obsession with Harry Potter that started in my youth. So it should come as no surprise for years I have been trying to get my sister who breeds and raises Miniature Australian Shepherds to have a Harry Potter theme litter…. That time has finally come check out the images!

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