
The Final Sneak Peek

The Final Sneak Peek

I can’t believe that a year has gone by and I am on the final sneak peek of my book which I will be releasing In January or February 2022!!

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Commercial Photography

Commercial Photography

Commercial photography is something I have only started getting into in recent years. Like all photographers as I have learned and developed my skills my interest and abilities in photography have changed. Commercial photography was never something I aspired too and I am still working not he product side of it.

Still life is not a passion. Working with performers and people however is and that is where my skills in commercial photography lie.

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Celebrate Commercial

Celebrate Commercial

….For now check out the commercial for the Celebrate Christmas Thrill Show taking place in KS Thanksgiving weekend. And if you’re going to be in the area I highly recommend grabbing some tickets, getting out of the house, and enjoying a live show one of the few of 2020!

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Harry Potter Puppies

Harry Potter Puppies

For those that know me I have an obsession with Harry Potter that started in my youth. So it should come as no surprise for years I have been trying to get my sister who breeds and raises Miniature Australian Shepherds to have a Harry Potter theme litter…. That time has finally come check out the images!

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