Photograph like a Seasoned Professional Photographer

What separates a snapshot from a professional image is often times much more than a professional camera and skills in editing. It is in the framing of a shot and that framing is what leads to story telling.

The best professional images tell a story of some kind and that is what makes them compelling. Yes, there are plenty of professional photos that are head shots or a little commercial. But those images people rave about and share, print, and hang on their walls… those they tell a story.

So hang with me while I impart some tips on taking images like a professional photographer that are more than simply good because they will tell a story.

I once got to work with a Magician who wanted to make an image in the theater he worked that showed the pressure on a performer to fill the seats and make it. That they are confronted with empty theater and their greatest obstacle is getting public to come watch their show every day they are open.

There are three important steps to remember in making story telling images. Framing, Context, and Location (of you not the images).

Framing is the most important aspect of nearly any photograph, it is the first step in capturing a viewers attention. Generally speaking framing usually is discussed when talking about the golden rule (aka the rule of thirds) and this is because if you know this rule and live by it your images will always be composed in a compelling manner.

However there is always a time and place to break the rules and framing is important for that. In story telling the scene and atmosphere lend to the story sometimes to do that you need a wide frame and other times a closer frame is necessary. Judgement on what is best lies with the creator but know that framing can make or break the story.

Story Telling and Travel Photography go hand and hand. This image was taken in Langa Township in South Africa in October of 2012.

Step two is context. It is more than putting emotion into the frame it is putting emotion, and subject and context. This is accomplished but not isolating one over the others. The best story telling images combine all of these and have a foreground, middle ground and background. Just like a painting does.

Yep that’s the secret a great story telling image is much like a great painting. It includes all the things a fine artist wrangles into their works of art.

Making a bouquet fresh from the garden.

The final step is how you put yourself into the image and I do not mean literally. Where you as the picture taker stands, how you immerse yourself in the scene. The angles you choose, the scenes you see and capture. All the elements of story telling are going to come from your point of view. In simple terms to make a story telling image at an event you must always be on, always be looking, and always be willing to put yourself wherever necessary to capture the scene.

You ever been in the dead front of a church leaning into a plant on the alter to capture the bridal couple lighting a unity candle? Maybe not but this image tells the story of this special moment for the bride and groom from a non-typical angle.