for sale

For Sale: Pre-Made Book Covers

For Sale: Pre-Made Book Covers

As an avid reader, author, and creator I find looking at book covers to be a fun hobby. I also really enjoy trying my hand at designing them and having done all my own covers and a few for friends I thought I would start listing pre-made covers available to future authors at affordable rates.

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Pre-Made Book Covers For Sale

Pre-Made Book Covers For Sale

As an avid reader, author, and creator I find looking at book covers to be a fun hobby. I also really enjoy trying my hand at designing them and having done all my own covers and a few for friends I thought I would start listing pre-made covers available to future authors at affordable rates.

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Purchase Moments of Rodeo Now

Purchase Moments of Rodeo Now

If you have been following my blog from the end of February through last weekend then you have gotten to read my entire ebook on Becoming a Better Photographer: How Rodeo Photography Helps. Now grab your copy of my phonebook Moments of Rodeo to see a decade worth of photography curated for your viewing pleasure!

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Harry Potter Puppies

Harry Potter Puppies

For those that know me I have an obsession with Harry Potter that started in my youth. So it should come as no surprise for years I have been trying to get my sister who breeds and raises Miniature Australian Shepherds to have a Harry Potter theme litter…. That time has finally come check out the images!

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