
Never Stop Seeing and Shooting

Never Stop Seeing and Shooting

Most photographers are always on. I am no different, even when I am not holding a camera and actively shooting, I am aware of the light, of compositions, of what would be photo worthy.

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Never Stop Shooting| Never Stop Seeing

Never Stop Shooting| Never Stop Seeing

While I wish I would have had my professional grade camera on hand, I hadn't actively planned on shooting anything particular. It was more of a visit my aunt, and grab some food outing- photo taking wasn't even on my mind!

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Be the Change, Make the Change

Be the Change, Make the Change

You can actively start making the changes to be that good that others see, hold doors, help a neighbor, assist even when not asked, smile at some, or even just be polite even when the day just doesn't seem to go your way.

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Never Stop Shooting

Never Stop Shooting

While I wish I would have had my professional grade camera on hand, I hadn't actively planned on shooting anything particular. It was more of a visit my aunt, and grab some food outing- photo taking wasn't even on my mind!

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