January puppies in Ohio is usually a bad mix because the weather is cold, they are house bound, and the lighting isn't ideal for cute puppy pictures that are comparable to summertime puppy portraits.
That being said, here are the first few portraits of this January 2017 mini Aussie litter.
Angel Dust
ASDR Registered.
Miniature Australian Shepherd
4 week old.
Blue Merle Female. (Blue eyes)
ASDR Registered
Miniature Australian Shepherd
4 weeks old
Black tri male (brown eyes)
Francis (Ajax)
ASDR Registered
Miniature Australian Shepherd
4 weeks old
Black tri male (brown eyes)
ASDR Registered
Miniature Australian Shepherd
4 weeks old
Black tri males (brown eyes, and blonde hairs on butt.)
Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Warhead)
ASDR Registered
Miniature Australian Shepherd
4 weeks old
Black tri female (brown eyes)
Sale pending.
Will be staying in the family.Will be Wi
This liter will be ready for homes in March. Located in St. Clairsville, Oh 43950. Breeder Autumn Bumgardner. To contact pm her on Facebook.