book covers

For Sale: Pre-Made Book Covers

For Sale: Pre-Made Book Covers

As an avid reader, author, and creator I find looking at book covers to be a fun hobby. I also really enjoy trying my hand at designing them and having done all my own covers and a few for friends I thought I would start listing pre-made covers available to future authors at affordable rates.

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Pre-made Book Covers

Pre-made Book Covers

In May I started offering pre-made book covers for sale. These are graphics I have created for authors in an affordable range with a combination of stock photography and digital art.

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More Pre-made Book Covers For Sale

More Pre-made Book Covers For Sale

In May I started offering pre-made book covers for sale. These are graphics I have created for authors in an affordable range with a combination of stock photography and digital art.

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Pre-Made Book Covers For Sale

Pre-Made Book Covers For Sale

As an avid reader, author, and creator I find looking at book covers to be a fun hobby. I also really enjoy trying my hand at designing them and having done all my own covers and a few for friends I thought I would start listing pre-made covers available to future authors at affordable rates.

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