self published

Niching Yes or No

Niching Yes or No

So many photographers and blogs online preach the need to find your niche in photography, to specialize, specialize, specialize! But they fail to mention that niching is a process, that you won’t necessarily love the first type of photography you practice.

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What Comes After Writing A Book?

What Comes After Writing A Book?

I spent two years following the release of my Rodeo photography book writing an actual book. Two soul crushing years spent in reflection, with my thoughts, staring at blank pages, soul searching, micro-focusing, and working my fingers off. I thought the finish line— releasing/ publishing my book— would bring a joy to me, would make me feel like everything was worth it.

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Defining Yourself as a Photographer!

Defining Yourself as a Photographer!

Defining yourself as a photographer is the first major step in being a photographer. You can have a camera, you can take pictures but until you believe you are a photographer you simply are just a person who takes snap shots.

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Unplanned, and Unfinished

Unplanned, and Unfinished

The future really is unplanned and constantly evolving; having set in stone plans is difficult because so much happens that is out of our control. We have plans for ourselves and yet they can change when our network grows and presents new and exciting opportunities.

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Being Published Stress Part Two

Being Published Stress Part Two

So this month I officially published my memoir- Glass Eyes: A Photographers Journey. This book has taken a few years to write, and create; from design, to writing, to curating images, multiple print tests, editing, and so on. It was not a quick nor easy feat. I was stressed for awhile making it and now I feel slight stress with every sale and potential reader showing interest.

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Local photographer chronicles career in new memoir

Local photographer chronicles career in new memoir

That is the byline of the article published in my local paper over the weekend. It is the write up that makes the memoir I wrote feel all the more real.

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