trick riders

Looking Back at Rodeo

Looking Back at Rodeo

Photography is ever evolving and as photographers we should be too, in the beginning it is hard to niche and say I am a wedding photographer or a portrait photographer without experimenting and figuring out that is what you like to do.

For me a lot of that was rodeo. Enjoy some of my favorite rodeo shots over the years.

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Photographing Cinched Up Designs

Photographing Cinched Up Designs

One of the joys of being a photographer is getting to do some amazing shoots. The last weekend of June I got to photograph the creations and creator of Cinched Up Designs— a costuming company for equine and performance professionals…

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2020 Pass The Torch Leadership Camp

2020 Pass The Torch Leadership Camp

With Covid going on, businesses still being closed, active riots, and well utter 2020 chaos summer camps aren’t really something we think about. Yet finding safe ways to get out of the house and live life is a new reality and that is why we were happy Pass the Torch Leadership Camp got to proceed as scheduled…

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Purchase Moments of Rodeo Now

Purchase Moments of Rodeo Now

If you have been following my blog from the end of February through last weekend then you have gotten to read my entire ebook on Becoming a Better Photographer: How Rodeo Photography Helps. Now grab your copy of my phonebook Moments of Rodeo to see a decade worth of photography curated for your viewing pleasure!

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