wedding photographger

Horse Show Photos Again

Horse Show Photos Again

In 2021 everything was re-opening and equine events were back on. Or at least that was the plan but mother nature had her own plans and after the first three successful events, weather cancellations ensued.

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Carwash Photoshoot & Beer Posters

Carwash Photoshoot & Beer Posters

My sister came to me wanting to make a beer poster for the tiktok trend and honestly I was down. One because I am competitive and when I saw examples I knew I could make something bomb. Second because it sounded like a bunch of fun and a chance to exercise some creativity… Added to that she wanted to try a carwash photoshoot which was fun and hilarious at the same time.

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So in a lot of cases I find I am a late adopter of many social media platforms. Gosh I have really only had instagram for a few years now.

I am a late adopter because I am concerned about posting my work and what it would mean in regards to my copyright—yes that’s why it took so long to pull the trigger on instagram because I didn’t want to just give up my rights to my work to whoever was online.

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