social media

My Journey to Becoming A Photographer

My Journey to Becoming A Photographer

Hiring a photographer can be stressful especially when I comes to some of the biggest moments in your life. How do you choose?-- Well I think the easiest way to choose is to find someone whose work you love but also someone you can truly get to know and make a connection with. -- This post will allow you to get to know me- Tiffany Bumgardner as a photographer as well as how I came to photography, what I look for when making an image, and what I photograph. 

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Are you a Reader? Come Follow ME on Goodreads

Are you a Reader? Come Follow ME on Goodreads

I have been a member of Goodreads for a long while, the problem is I haven’t always been faithful at review books on it, updating my books read, or really utilizing it. That is until last year and my addiction to Kindle Unlimited and since becoming a Goodreads Author!

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Come Follow ME on Goodreads

Come Follow ME on Goodreads

I have been a member of Goodreads for a long while, the problem is I haven’t always been faithful at review books on it, updating my books read, or really utilizing it.

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How I Came to be a Photographer

How I Came to be a Photographer

Hiring a photographer can be stressful especially when I comes to some of the biggest moments in your life. How do you choose?-- Well I think the easiest way to choose is to find someone whose work you love but also someone you can truly get to know and make a connection with. -- This post will allow you to get to know me- Tiffany Bumgardner as a photographer as well as how I came to photography, what I look for when making an image, and what I photograph. 

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Photographer Thoughts

Photographer Thoughts

Sometimes I have a stream of conscious thought I put into my notes app while out and about for this blog and then forget about and rediscover later. A long while back we had a Harvest Moon and my social media blew up with everyone taking moon pictures. That time I didn’t lift the camera to the sky because I just wanted to enjoy it however there have been other days when I have taken full moon pictures. It never hurts to just present and enjoy the moment without a camera and social sharing.

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So in a lot of cases I find I am a late adopter of many social media platforms. Gosh I have really only had instagram for a few years now.

I am a late adopter because I am concerned about posting my work and what it would mean in regards to my copyright—yes that’s why it took so long to pull the trigger on instagram because I didn’t want to just give up my rights to my work to whoever was online.

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