flower photography

Free Images from Exposure One Studios

Free Images from Exposure One Studios

Several years ago I found a site where you could upload and license public domain images as well as access a data base of free to use images. Pexels.

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Prix De La Photographie Paris 2024

Prix De La Photographie Paris 2024

This year I have decided to enter a couple of the bigger photography comps during the early bird admissions. In part because I took a few images that I think would have been nice contenders after deadlines last year and partly because I want to enter early and then see if I take something later to add to said entries.

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My Top 10 iPhone Photos: 2012-2023

My Top 10 iPhone Photos: 2012-2023

A cellphone camera is capable of taking amazing photographs in the right hands. In the hands of a professional photographer a mobile phone can even take award winning images and as the technology changes a mobile category is being added to competitions.

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Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek

I had the opportunity to visit my friend and fellow business owner with a passion for Dahlias Wyatt at his and his partners flower farm Darcy’s Dahlias.

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My Top 10 iPhone Photos

My Top 10 iPhone Photos

A cellphone camera is capable of taking amazing photographs in the right hands. In the hands of a professional photographer a mobile phone can even take award winning images and as the technology changes a mobile category is being added to competitions.

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