So if you have been following along then you know I have been working diligently on a photo book now for about a year. It is almost release time and what better way to celebrate the release of my 156 page rodeo photo book than giving a copy away????????

I can’t think of anything better… except that I will be releasing it EARLY!!! Oh yes, you read that right! EARLY RELEASE by several weeks!

But I digress we are here about a giveaway because one lucky rodeo fan or contestant, will receive my book free shipped directly too with a brief message from yours truly— unless you don’t want that which is totally fine too!

It is simple and easy to enter to with a chance to earn multiple entries! Click below!

Don’t miss your chance for a freebie valued at $70. This is the perfect way to celebrate your rodeo career, or for fans of rodeo to get cowboys and girls to autograph!

Contest runs through May 15th. Then I will select a winner and contact them.

Stay tuned for more information regarding the release of Moments of Rodeo and make your plans for purchase! COMING SOON!