barrel racer

Last Shenandoah Show of the Season

Last Shenandoah Show of the Season

As we come barreling toward fall the summer horse show season is coming to a close. On September 11th Shenandoah had their final show of the season.

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How Equestrians are Helping Save Exposure One Studios

How Equestrians are Helping Save Exposure One Studios

So admittedly 2020 isn’t going how I planned or hoped. For a couple months I was convinced 2020 was going to be the end of my photography business but in less than a months time I was proven wrong. It took the declaration of a pandemic to cancel my 2020 schedule seemingly overnight but one gloriously hot and dusty summer month to save it.

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Horse Show Fun

Horse Show Fun

I have waited what feels like years but in all reality has been months for a equine event of any kind to actually happen vs getting canceled thanks to Covid. Weekend of June 20th finally saw that first event….

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Teach Them Young

Teach Them Young

…like anything in life, art, music, photography, business, or yes animal care it is time to teach her, for her to learn and put in the work to become good and capable. It isn’t overnight and it won’t be easy…. it’s time to teach them young.

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