Horse Show Fun

I have waited what feels like years but in all reality has been months for a equine event of any kind to actually happen vs getting canceled thanks to Covid. Weekend of June 20th finally saw that first event which of course paved the way to the weekend of the 25th and the second annual Pass the Torch Leadership Camp (Trick & Roman Riding camp for equestrian performers.)

I wish I could say that the horse show marked the beginning of a return to productivity and business for me; however I still have many many many events that canceled indefinitely for the year 2020 as well as many shoots yet to be rescheduled. The show was a great way to get back out with my camera, and see some horses.

The rebuilding of Exposure One Studios will take time as the world finds it footing again, the economy stabilizes, and people return to work.

Enjoy some horse show photos and stay tuned for next weeks camp photos!

Click below to view all the images from the June 20th show!

As always Stay Safe. Stay Healthy. Stay Six Feet Apart until Next Time!