
Inspired at 2 AM

Inspired at 2 AM

After watching the YouTube video on Sam Abell’s talk about The Life of a Photograph, I was inspired. I was also up until about 2 am in the morning watching it which made my brain start buzzing because I was so drawn to his talk. Are my images as a photographer on the same level as his? I am not sure but I do know the elements he talks about looking for to make are images I have done, perhaps not all the time but the images I have taken popped into my mind.

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Recap of 2020

Recap of 2020

Starting off the New Year by looking back at last year or the year of a train wreck however you’d like to think of 2020.

I am not going to hyper focus on Covid, how it hurt and effected my business and life in general because we all felt/ and are feeling its effects in some way or another. Honestly, I want to come into 2021 with a focus on what I took away form last year, what I learned and what I accomplished.

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Summer Sky Shows

Summer Sky Shows

Do not let the title of today’s post fool you. I am not talking about sky shows in the sense of those cool pilot and craft maneuver events but rather the natural cloud, sun, and color sky shows that nature puts on for us.

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To Alaska and Back

To Alaska and Back

To those who know me it is probably no surprise that I managed to make it to Alaska for a two week vacation… yes a true vacation for this photographer it is the first time in 9 years I did not pick up a contract while “on vacation” turning it into a working vacation….

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