Ohio equine photography

My First Ranching Horse Show

My First Ranching Horse Show

In the beginning of November I got to attend and photograph my first cow cutting, boxing, and ranch riding show. It was a learning curve in some respects because I have never photographed many of these events but I have watched some of them before. Added to that the lighting was especially tricky that day paired with the movement of the horses and cattle. However that made it fun and I got to make some amazing images.

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Number 1 Image of 2023

Number 1 Image of 2023

And my number one image is the low light, natural black backdrop equine portrait taken right at the beginning of 2023.

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Inspired at 2 AM

Inspired at 2 AM

After watching the YouTube video on Sam Abell’s talk about The Life of a Photograph, I was inspired. I was also up until about 2 am in the morning watching it which made my brain start buzzing because I was so drawn to his talk. Are my images as a photographer on the same level as his? I am not sure but I do know the elements he talks about looking for to make are images I have done, perhaps not all the time but the images I have taken popped into my mind.

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Winter Equine Photos

Winter Equine Photos

After taking 2022 off I came into 2023 with plans. I can not articulate whether I want them to be big plans or not but I do have ideas for what I would like to accomplish for the year. And most of that is finding myself as a photographer and going back to things that I got away from in 2020.

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Selling Fine Art Images

Selling Fine Art Images

I have dedicated a large part of my photographic life to creating in a photojournalistic style but occasionally I make an image that is more art than documentary. I love these art images even when I do not necessarily know what to do with them which has had me seeking out a way to sell art prints.

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