photography business

Throwback To South Africa

Throwback To South Africa

So for anyone who has spent time on my blog or read the about section on my website you have read “…rebranding to Exposure One Studios— an idea developed in Capetown, South Africa.”

In all the years I have been blogging and running this business I have never come out and really discussed what that meant except touching on it briefly in my memoir. So today That is something I want to focus on.

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Photography isn't alway Photography

Photography isn't alway Photography

It means that photographers do not spend all their time taking photographs. In other words, photographers spend less than half their time shooting and the rest is spent doing decisively less fun things.

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Lessons: Business Owner Edition

Lessons: Business Owner Edition

I never set out to own, operate, and run a photography business. I never really set out to be a photographer. Yet that is what has happened in life. I have loved the journey even though there have been many, not very fun moments. Even though I had no idea how to start a business let alone make it successful in the beginning.

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Business Update

Business Update

If you have been following along then you are well aware of the ups and downs of my business the last few years. The fact is covid was hard, but these economic down turn and crippling inflation is murder.

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Charge What You Are Worth Without Guilt

Charge What You Are Worth Without Guilt

I have been a photographer professionally for going on 12 years now and I still struggle with pricing, with charging what I am worth. Because in large part it is so very hard to put a number on something you love, on art, on your passion. I also didn’t want to come across as greedy which of course made me want to hold back on charging what I am worth.

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Trying To Survive Burnout Part Two

Trying To Survive Burnout Part Two

Running a business is exhausting. 2020 was exhausting. 2021 proved to be just as exhausting as well, but 2022 has zapped what remaining energy I have had.

I have found that I feel like I am in a perpetual state of exhaustion whether it is from the state of the world or even because I also battle a chronic neurological disease that has been kicking my ass more often than not, is hard to say. It could also be a very overwhelming schedule, trying to find my drive to market my book, and figure out where this whole photography career is head following these last few years.

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