
Throwback To South Africa

Throwback To South Africa

So for anyone who has spent time on my blog or read the about section on my website you have read “…rebranding to Exposure One Studios— an idea developed in Capetown, South Africa.”

In all the years I have been blogging and running this business I have never come out and really discussed what that meant except touching on it briefly in my memoir. So today That is something I want to focus on.

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Being Published Stress Part Two

Being Published Stress Part Two

So this month I officially published my memoir- Glass Eyes: A Photographers Journey. This book has taken a few years to write, and create; from design, to writing, to curating images, multiple print tests, editing, and so on. It was not a quick nor easy feat. I was stressed for awhile making it and now I feel slight stress with every sale and potential reader showing interest.

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Graphic Design Packages

Graphic Design Packages

As my career in photography progressed I started to teach myself more and more with photoshop which devolved into making posters and logos and learning graphic design. Now it wasn’t just because my love of the arts and of creation but because becoming good in those areas was going to be a huge, monumentally have financial life savor to my business.

Graphic design is expensive. Graphic design is hard. Making all the elements come together so that it is a compelling logo, a compelling composition but also has all the necessary information isn’t easy. That is what makes it expensive because it is far more than pressing a button. Good graphic designers aren’t cheap.

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