photographer burnout

Misconceptions in Photography

Misconceptions in Photography

There is a misconception that to be a successful photographer you have to be taking photos for others 98% of the time. When the true reality is I shoot and a lot of photographers I know shoot way, way less frequently.

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Trying To Survive Burnout Part Two

Trying To Survive Burnout Part Two

Running a business is exhausting. 2020 was exhausting. 2021 proved to be just as exhausting as well, but 2022 has zapped what remaining energy I have had.

I have found that I feel like I am in a perpetual state of exhaustion whether it is from the state of the world or even because I also battle a chronic neurological disease that has been kicking my ass more often than not, is hard to say. It could also be a very overwhelming schedule, trying to find my drive to market my book, and figure out where this whole photography career is head following these last few years.

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Photography Misconceptions

Photography Misconceptions

My co-workers are curious and that leads them to asking questions the irk me. I know they mean well and just want to hear how I am doing with a medium they themselves do not practice but sometimes returning to work after a weekend to be asked what I took photos of drives me crazy.

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