photography business owner

Photographer Reality Acknowledged

Photographer Reality Acknowledged

This video really speaks to the industry and that fear of when that slump comes because it will come. Be it a pandemic, a series of cancellations, or whatever else it will come, because it comes for us all.

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Business Update

Business Update

If you have been following along then you are well aware of the ups and downs of my business the last few years. The fact is covid was hard, but these economic down turn and crippling inflation is murder.

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Trying To Survive Burnout Part Two

Trying To Survive Burnout Part Two

Running a business is exhausting. 2020 was exhausting. 2021 proved to be just as exhausting as well, but 2022 has zapped what remaining energy I have had.

I have found that I feel like I am in a perpetual state of exhaustion whether it is from the state of the world or even because I also battle a chronic neurological disease that has been kicking my ass more often than not, is hard to say. It could also be a very overwhelming schedule, trying to find my drive to market my book, and figure out where this whole photography career is head following these last few years.

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Throw Back Friday

Throw Back Friday

I have been a photographer for over a decade now. I have done portraits, weddings, events, rodeos, corporate sessions, university photography, newborns, senior pictures, family reunions, and travel photography. I have tried everything looking for my niche and some things I have loved and others I have hated.

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