memoir blog

What Comes After Writing A Book?

What Comes After Writing A Book?

I spent two years following the release of my Rodeo photography book writing an actual book. Two soul crushing years spent in reflection, with my thoughts, staring at blank pages, soul searching, micro-focusing, and working my fingers off. I thought the finish line— releasing/ publishing my book— would bring a joy to me, would make me feel like everything was worth it.

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Memoir Sneak Peek 11- Unforeseen Challenges

Memoir Sneak Peek 11- Unforeseen Challenges

It is that time of the month when I again share an excerpt from my book aka the current work in progress. I am still working on edits, formatting, and determining what is going into the completed work photography wise but I am getting closer day by day.

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Glass Eyes Sneak Peek #6

Glass Eyes Sneak Peek #6

If you have been following along for the last six months then you are aware I hav been working on a memoir and posting sneak peeks at the beginning of each month.

At the end of March into the beginning of April I competed the first draft and have started editing and revisions. For those of you who aren’t writers it is the tedious and boring part. So it feels like it is taking me forever to get through that phase but I am hoping to get it into publication for the beginning of 2022.

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