
I was a Photographers Assistant on Semester At Sea

I was a Photographers Assistant on Semester At Sea

I sometimes forget that my first experience shooting for a university wasn’t my home university where I received my degree but rather for Semester at Sea through the University of Virginia— at that time, they have moved universities since.

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Day Rate Information

Day Rate Information

Like all photographers my packages and prices have evolved as the years have gone on. In part because my skill set and abilities have grown, and my equipment has grown, as well as the demand on my time. From that growth is where I have judged and valued my skill level to determine what fair pricing would be.

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My Journey to Becoming A Photographer

My Journey to Becoming A Photographer

Hiring a photographer can be stressful especially when I comes to some of the biggest moments in your life. How do you choose?-- Well I think the easiest way to choose is to find someone whose work you love but also someone you can truly get to know and make a connection with. -- This post will allow you to get to know me- Tiffany Bumgardner as a photographer as well as how I came to photography, what I look for when making an image, and what I photograph. 

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Hidden Rules for Photography

Hidden Rules for Photography

We talk a lot about photography rules, usually those pertaining to when you can shoot, where, and how — ie. composition rules, editing rules, and formatting rules. Yet we rarely if ever discuss the hidden rules of photography that pretty much all photographers follow.

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What You Should Know About My Day Rates

What You Should Know About My Day Rates

Like all photographers my packages and prices have evolved as the years have gone on. In part because my skill set and abilities have grown, and my equipment has grown, as well as the demand on my time. From that growth is where I have judged and valued my skill level to determine what fair pricing would be.

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