
Purchase Glass Eye's: A Photographers Journey

Purchase Glass Eye's: A Photographers Journey

"To write your recollections or memoirs is to make a claim that, in your estimation at any rate, you have lived some interesting years." ~ Ida Cook| I think the reality of my book being publicly available is hitting me now as purchased copies of my book arrived in the mail yesterday and are awaiting autographs before heading to their new homes.

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My Hobbies as a Photographer Includes

My Hobbies as a Photographer Includes

Years ago photography used to be my hobby, the very thing I did for fun and not to earn a living. When I started doing it as a profession shooting for myself fell to the wayside, and it became a job. I had to develop different hobbies as a result things I would have time for; such as reading.

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Are you a Reader? Come Follow ME on Goodreads

Are you a Reader? Come Follow ME on Goodreads

I have been a member of Goodreads for a long while, the problem is I haven’t always been faithful at review books on it, updating my books read, or really utilizing it. That is until last year and my addiction to Kindle Unlimited and since becoming a Goodreads Author!

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Being Real

Being Real

On my tiktok feed I have been sharing little out takes from my book and a while back I shared perhaps one that could cause problems but speak a truth. One where the quote is representative of a very difficult time in my life but the song is representative of my soul, of the message I wanted to tell the individual who wronged me but was no longer in a position to do so.

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Things I Am Working On

Things I Am Working On

In 2022 I released my memoir and ever since I have been plague with a love hate relationship with it. The love— omg I committed and did it! The hate— why am I such trash, look at the typos and errors!

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