photography memoir

Are you a Reader? Come Follow ME on Goodreads

Are you a Reader? Come Follow ME on Goodreads

I have been a member of Goodreads for a long while, the problem is I haven’t always been faithful at review books on it, updating my books read, or really utilizing it. That is until last year and my addiction to Kindle Unlimited and since becoming a Goodreads Author!

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What Comes After Writing A Book?

What Comes After Writing A Book?

I spent two years following the release of my Rodeo photography book writing an actual book. Two soul crushing years spent in reflection, with my thoughts, staring at blank pages, soul searching, micro-focusing, and working my fingers off. I thought the finish line— releasing/ publishing my book— would bring a joy to me, would make me feel like everything was worth it.

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Come Follow ME on Goodreads

Come Follow ME on Goodreads

I have been a member of Goodreads for a long while, the problem is I haven’t always been faithful at review books on it, updating my books read, or really utilizing it.

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Post- Creative Depression

Post- Creative Depression

I self published my first book, a memoir, this past February and it was not without stress and a whole bunch of stress. It was a massive undertaking and one I was proud to surmount, yet I didn’t prepared for what came after— the creative come down.

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Book Signing

Book Signing

But one of the cool things is also book signing. Is creating an author signature and laying it down in those final crisp, clean, and fresh pages.

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